Martin G. Raphael (Chair), Thomas C. Edwards Jr., and Sallie J. Hejl

The following people (in alphabetical order) have agreed to be nominated for the Cooper Ornithological Society Board of Directors, to serve from 2003–2006.

Patricia J. Heglund is a Branch Chief for the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Introduced to birds by her parents as a child, she studied at the University of Minnesota-St. Paul and worked as an undergraduate museum assistant at the Bell Museum of Natural History. For her first job she worked on the recovery of the Aleutian Canada Goose on Amchitka Island, Alaska. She obtained her M.Sc. (1988) and Ph.D. (1992) from the University of Missouri-Columbia, identifying wildlife-habitat relations and modeling bird resource use on Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Dr. Heglund joined the faculty at the University of Idaho in 1994, serving as a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences and as a research scientist with the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. She taught ornithology and advanced avian ecology, and her research program investigated avian use of managed forests in the Northern Rockies. During this time she supervised four M.Sc. students and served on 10 graduate committees. She has served the Cooper Ornithological Society for the past three years as a member of the Mewaldt-King student award committee and brings her graduate and undergraduate students to annual meetings.

Sallie J. Hejl is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences at Texas A&M University. She earned her B.S. in Environmental Education (1978) and M.A. in Zoology (1981) from the University of California, Davis, and her Ph.D. in Zoology from Northern Arizona University (1987). From 1988–2000, she was a Research Wildlife Biologist for the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, in Missoula, Montana. Dr. Hejl is a life member of the Cooper Ornithological Society. She regularly attends annual meetings, chairs technical paper sessions, and reviews manuscripts for The Condor and Studies in Avian Biology. She has published 37 papers on birds, one in the The Condor and nine in Studies in Avian Biology, and has coauthored two Birds of North America species accounts. She has served on four COS committees, chaired the Student Awards and Student Participation Committees, and participated in the local committee for the first North American Ornithological Conference. She was a member of the Board of Directors from 1995 to 1998. Her research focuses on restoring and maintaining bird species in managed and unmanaged ecosystems. She is particularly interested in the effects of land management on birds and how these effects differ from those of natural disturbances.

John M. Marzluff is an Associate Professor of Wildlife Science in the College of Forest Resources at the University of Washington. Prior to that he worked with a variety of consulting and nonprofit organizations studying the responses of birds to human activity. He obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Northern Arizona University in 1987 and completed postdoctoral studies at the University of Vermont in 1991. He has been a member of COS since 1980, served on student evaluation panels, and currently chairs the student participation committee. He and coauthor Russ Balda won the Painton Award in 1989. He is an elective member of the AOU and a current AOU councilor. Dr. Marzluff has published >70 papers, authored 1 book, and edited 3 other books on avian conservation and radio-telemetry. His passion is corvids, but he occasionally stoops to study other passerines and even raptors. He directs the NSF-funded Urban Ecology Program at University of Washington and challenges his students to understand if, how, and why human settlement, recreation, and timber harvest affect birds.

Janet M. Ruth is a research ecologist with the USGS at the Arid Lands Field Station in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Ruth received her Ph.D. from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, in 1995. She was a congressional legislative assistant in Washington, DC, from 1983–1991, dealing with environmental and natural resources legislation. From 1991–1996 she worked at the USGS headquarters in Virginia as a staff biologist on research policy and budget. She transferred to her current location from the USGS Midcontinent Ecological Science Center in Fort Collins, Colorado, in 2001. Dr. Ruth has been a member of COS since 1996 and has presented papers at annual meetings since moving to the West. Her research centers on avian communities in riparian and desert grassland ecosystems, bird response to management practices, and avian winter ecology. She has been the Partners in Flight Co-Coordinator for USGS for over five years and is particularly interested in increasing the research community's involvement in Partners in Flight. She sees membership on the Board of Directors as an opportunity to promote communication between researchers and natural resource managers.

Mark K. Sogge is a Research Ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. He has been a member of the Cooper Ornithological Society since 1985, regularly attends meetings and gives presentations, and has been an active member (and chair) of the Resolutions Committee since 1996. He has published papers in, and reviewed papers for, The Condor and Studies in Avian Biology. Mark is currently lead editor for an upcoming volume of Studies in Avian Biology. He earned his B.S. in Chemistry from San Jose State University (working as a Research Chemist with IBM until he came to his senses) and an M.Sc. in Zoology from the University of California, Davis. Mark's research interests focus on the ecology of riparian birds and bird communities, rare and endangered species, wintering ecology of Neotropical migrants, conservation genetics, and research and monitoring techniques.


The Cooper Ornithological Society will hold its 73rd Stated Meeting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, from 30 April–3 May 2003. The meeting is being held at the invitation of the USGS-BRD Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center and Northern Arizona University. The local contact for the meeting is Mark Sogge (928-556-7466 x232). Participants with preliminary ideas for symposia or workshops should contact Mark.

"NEWS AND NOTES," The Condor 104(4), 907-908, (1 November 2002).[0907:NAN]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 November 2002
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